2011年6月15日 星期三

How to Learn Self Defense Online

Studying self defense is becoming a necessity in many urban environments around the world, and as unfortunate as that fact is, it's even sadder that some people feel like they don't have a way to do it. In the modern world, anyone can learn self defense techniques -- and everyone should.

It doesn't take a whole lot to learn self defense. If you can fulfill this simple checklist, you can be on your way to studying self defense in no time:

A computer

Practical self defense techniques are widely available online. Some are free, but the best require a small investment. The amount is trivial compared to what you'd pay for a monthly membership at a dojo, however, so it's well worth your while. You can download eBooks, order (or download) DVDs', and even chat with instructors who can watch your forms through a webcam and give you specific critiques.

A partner you can work with

No, you cannot properly train in self defense techniques on your own. There are significant benefits to visualizing these scenarios, but nothing can prepare you for the impact of a successful strike or throw except actually performing it on someone. Get someone who is interested in the same kinds of self defense that you are, and who can commit to the next item on the checklist as well.

A few months of regular, devoted practice

No matter what anyone on the internet tells you, you can't ever become a master of self defense in a few hours. Muscle memory simply doesn't build at that kind of speed, and muscle memory is the core of all self defense training. If your body doesn't remember what to do when the time comes, you're wasting your time.

A defined goal

If you don't know when you've reached your goal, your practice will begin to wander and then slowly or abruptly fade away. You should be aware of what kinds of threat are common in the neighborhoods you travel in, and set yourself a goal of learning self defense against those threats -- and don't stop practicing until they're second nature.

Occasional scheduled practice for the next year

Just because you've finished your regular, devoted practice doesn't mean your body will remember your techniques for the rest of your life. You should find someone to get together with every month or two for at least 12 more months, just for a quick refresher course.

If you're going to take this kind of practical, no-nonsense approach to self defense, it's usually best to pick a practical, no-nonsense teacher or style to learn from. Grab a DVD of Krav Maga or MCMAP from a reputable online source, get a partner who is willing to work with you, and develop self defense skills that will keep you alive if someone tries to make you otherwise!

For more tips and information about self defense please visit: self defense techniques

