2011年6月5日 星期日

Don't Know Which Martial Arts Or Self Defense Training Program is Best? This Will Help You Decide!

Self defense training - especially in Today's often violent world - has to be less about your own personal preferences, and more about what you'll need to survive.

While they say that they're looking for effective self defense training, far too many people take up the study of martial arts or enroll in a self defense program for one of three basic reasons:

1. Convenience. The school or class is being held close to their home or job. Heaven forbid, we wouldn't want them to have to go out of their way to learn how to not die!

2. Preference. Often a self defense training program is chosen, not because it's effective, but because the student likes the "style" or approach. People who like wrestling will naturally gravitate towards martial arts like Judo, Jujitsu, etc. Others, who prefer the stand-up - knock-'em down approach will look for karate, boxing, and Tae kwon do, to name a few. I just hope that they will end up with an assailant who "plays fair" and comes at them with something they "like!"

3. The "Buddy-vote." Instead of going against popular consensus, often we might make a choice to do something, not because we like it, agree with it, or believe in it - but because all of our friends are doing it. Funny how we're still doing things mom yelled at us for when we were kids, huh?!

Unfortunately, getting the right self defense training is not the same as choosing a movie or deciding where to hang out on Saturday night. It will be way too late to blame your friend, the program, or the teacher after you find out during an attack that you made a bad choice!

The following 3 self defense tips are the minimum requirements for an authentic self defense training program that can teach you what you must know to survive a brutal attack - or worse!

These requirements cover the three situational factors present in any self defense attack. Each factor contains what I call "option sets" - variables that simultaneously cause each situation to be unique, and...

...allow you to choose from all of your skills, strategies, and tactics, the best ones to get the job done!

The Situational Factors/Control Sets are:

1. Environmental. This includes not only location but also range and surroundings. Are you indoors or out? Are you in the middle of a parking lot, between cars, or being pinned up against a wall or piece of furniture?

2. Emotional. Contrary to the way most martial arts and self defense programs are taught, we human beings respond to stress in exactly the opposite way from the way we learn. Your self defense training program must present the information in a do - think - feel manner that matches the way your learn...

...while simultaneously teaching you how to respond to a threat in a feel - think - do manner that matches how we respond to danger. Each emotional response "mode" will effect us physically, mentally, and at our core.

3. Attacker-Control. This involves having different options, tactics, and strategies for different types of attackers. It involves understanding everything from attacker-logic to knowing which targets to hit with your different body weapons.

Knowing which program is best requires that you first know what you're dealing with and what you'll need to be effective and ultimately successful. A good program will cover both physical and non-physical methods. And, above all, it will advocate avoidance, escape, and de-escalation tactics over physically having to fight your attacker off.

If it doesn't, I recommend that you look for another program!

If you're serious and want to learn how to do this effectively then I want to help you.

You can learn more about real-world self defense training that has been time-tested and proven to work in this powerful self defense video course called, "The Science of Self-Defense."

Get the Self Defense Training you need!

And get your free self defense dvd: "Danger Prevention Tactics: Protecting Yourself Like A Pro". Get your free video self defense training course and self defense dvd and start really protecting yourself! http://www.warrior-concepts-online.com

