2011年5月23日 星期一

What Do an Umbrella, Insurance, First Aid, and Self Defense Have in Common?

When it rains it pours. It's best to be prepared. Be proactive and defend against the wetness. An umbrella gives us all confidence to venture out into the day, prepared for whatever weather comes our way. Self Defense for the weather.

We all have insurance for our cars, homes, and personal things. We find comfort in knowing that just in case something happens, we will have the financial means available to replace or repair that which has disappeared or become damaged. We all have a much more calm and composed nature when things go wrong, because we know we have a safety net. Self Defense for our bank account.

Healing power, maybe not, but first aid knowledge helps us comfort those who become injured. First aid is a great addition to everyone's menu of options and skill base. First aid is required by many organizations to allow for safe working conditions and safer environments. If you get injured, a person with first aid skill will help you through the pain and communicate that you will be OK. Self Defense for our health and recovery.

Self Defense is a great way to gain the confidence and the physical skill required to take action if need be. Learning self defense is a fantastic option in life. Knowing some skill, and having your family learn, promotes peace of mind. You can even learn online for less than $30. Learn all you need to succeed in the comfort of your own home. Self Defense for personal safety and family safety.

An umbrella, insurance, first aid, and self defense are all proactive tools. They help us be prepared for that 'Just in Case' moment. Do you have all these tools?

We all should have an Umbrella on stand by, Insurance policies up to date, First Aid knowledge ready to go, and know some Self Defense tips and tricks to help us in case of an emergency situation.

Everyday, somewhere in the world, someone is dry thanks to the umbrella, someone is getting their car, house, or some other possession fixed or replaced thanks to insurance, someone is still alive thanks to the person who knew some first aid, and because of Self Defense training, someone's daughter, mother, sister, dad, or whoever is home safe.

Self Defense is a method of living life more effectively and safely. Self Defense is about opening our minds to preventing and avoiding problems. Self Defense is about dealing with problems in the quickest and most efficient way possible. Self Defense is about thinking and acting in a way which promotes overall safety and well being.

Protect yourself in every area of your life. Join the Self Defense movement. Improve the value and quality of your life. Be Proactive and Be Prepared. Take Action TODAY. Get some knowledge and skill.


Michael has 24 years experience as a martial arts student earning a 4th degree blackbelt. He has 13 years teaching and training experience as a martial arts instructor, 5 of those years spent managing a successful studio in San Jose, California. Michael spent 9 years as a stage performer on the famous World Action Team. Stage experience opened doors to move him into the film and television industry as a stuntman. Michael is a husband and stepdad to 3 girls.

