2011年5月24日 星期二

What Are My Self Defense Options? - Pros and Cons of Martial Arts, Non Lethal Weapons and Firearms

Let's get to the point: you need to know not only what your self defense options are, but also which ones are the best for you or for your loved ones. You will find your answer within one (or more) of the following three groups: (1) Martial Arts; (2) Non Lethal Self Defense Weapons; (3) Lethal Weapons. In this article, I will examine each one of these categories in terms of their practical advantages and disadvantages.

But I will do more than just that: I will give you honest, reliable answers. The same ones I would give to someone I really care about and would want to be as safe as he/she can be. So let's get started!

Self Defense Option #1: Martial Arts

Learning some sort of self defense fighting skill is a must, no matter what of the remaining two options you choose as a complement. When you learn a martial art, your own body becomes a dependable weapon that goes with you wherever you go, which eliminates your chances of ever being surprised without something to defend yourself with. A firearm or a TASER device you might forget at home. Your self defense skills will always be with you.

Recognizing the importance of learning some sort of fighting skill raises still another question: Which martial art or fighting system should your choose? Karate, Taekwondo, Aikido, Jiu Jitzu...these are just a few among the myriad of self defense options and fighting methods available nowadays.

My recommendation would be: Aikido. Why? Other martial arts depend a lot on using your own strength and physical abilities to overcome your attacker. Although that is still true in Aikido, in this kind of martial art you use the strength of your enemy against himself more than you use your own, so the demands on your physical abilities are less. That makes it one martial art that you can still use when you get older, in contrast to Taekwondo (for instance), which relies a lot on kicks and moves that you may not be able to perform as you age.

Despite all the advantages, martial arts still have their downsides: They may take considerable time and effort to master properly. That's why choosing one of the remaining self defense options is still necessary: you need something to defend yourself with, not tomorrow, but now (however, there are some self defense DVDs and some rare e-books that can really teach you some practical and easy to learn techniques that can be really be used almost right away).

Moreover, if your attacker is armed, you would be exposing yourself to great danger if you use your own body as a weapon against a firearm or a knife. Even Bruce Lee, the great martial artist, once said: "Showing off is the fool's idea of glory".

Self Defense Option #2: Non Lethal Weapons

Within this group you will find non lethal devices such as TASER weapons, stun guns and pepper sprays. When you use one of these to defend yourself, you will be able to stop your attacker in his tracks, but without killing him or inflicting any significant damage. Let's give a brief definition of each non lethal self defense option before practical recommendations are given.

A TASER device is a compact, lightweight, non-lethal self-defense device similar to a firearm in shape. However, instead of firing bullets, these weapons use compressed nitrogen to shoot out two electrode barbs (each one attached to insulated conductive wires) into an assailant up to 15 feet away (4.5 meters), at a speed of 135 feet per second. The fired barbs will attach to the assailant's skin or clothes, immediately firing (through the TASER device's wires) a high voltage/low amperage electrical discharge that will affect the attacker's neuromuscular system (these self defense weapons' energy can even penetrate up to two cumulative inches of clothing), incapacitating him/her while you safely escape and call the police. This is definitively easier (and less dangerous) than using any self defense technique. It is also safer than using a firearm: TASER devices have proven to have a higher instant incapacitation rate than a 9mm hand gun, according to police studies.

A second non lethal option would be a stun gun. Stun guns are also a non-lethal self-defense weapon designed to deliver a high voltage, low amperage electric discharge. To defend yourself using a stun gun, its electrodes must be held directly against the attacker's body, which means full physical contact with your opponent (this is not recommended if your attacker is threatening you with a knife or gun, of course). When stun guns' electrodes are held directly against the attacker's skin or clothes, they will deliver a strong electrical discharge that will stun or even knock out your assailant. He/she will experience disorientation, confusion, loss of balance, and inability to move efficiently for a few minutes afterwards (with no significant or permanent harm done). This will give you (or your loved one) sufficient time to escape to a safe place.

Stun guns come in many different shapes. Some of them are little "stun boxes" (Mini Stun Guns), small enough to fit inside a cigarette package. Other presentations include Stun Batons, Stun Flashlights and even Cell Phone Stun Guns (designed to fool any aggressor).

A last self defense option is a pepper spray. A pepper spray, also known as an OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) spray, is a non-lethal self-defense weapon that consists of an aerosol type container, small enough to be carried in a pocket, purse or keychain (other presentations include rings, lipstick cases, walking weights -all of these are designed to fool any attacker into believing you are not protected, thus adding the surprise factor to your advantage- batons and guns). When you fire your pepper spray towards the attacker's face, this device will immediately expel an oily, reddish-orange liquid (insoluble in water) up to 25 feet away (depending on the pepper spray model you choose). An OC pepper spray will cause: 15-30 minutes of temporary blindness, 45-60 minutes of a burning sensation of the skin, 3-15 minutes of upper body spasms (which will force the assailant to bend forward), 3-15 minutes of uncontrollable coughing, and 3-15 minutes of breathing and speaking difficulties. Overall, the symptoms will last from 15-60 minutes, with decreased effects lasting for hours. The aggressor will be unable to attack, immediately becoming vulnerable and dependent.

TASER devices, stun guns, pepper sprays....What would my recommendation be? Choose a TASER devices or an OC pepper sprays whenever you can. Both are really effective, they work even when used on drugged individuals, and you will get to keep a safe distance between you and your attacker. But make no mistake: Stun guns are still good enough if you see yourself involved in non-armed combat or in rape situation. In such cases, stun guns will surely give you the necessary edge you need to survive.

Self Defense Option #3: Lethal Weapons

Included in this group is everything that can be defined as a firearm (a portable weapon that fires ammunition: a pistol or a rifle, for instance). Many people consider these as their self defense method of choice. Is it OK to do so? My answer is: maybe.

Firearms are an effective way to defend yourself and your loved ones with, no doubt about it. Too effective for my personal taste, perhaps. I would not recommend it to a loved one, though. Why?

Guns are designed to seriously wound or kill your opponent, not to incapacitate him/her. If by any chance that opponent also happens to be carrying a firearm, a gunfire would result. What would happen if you or your opponent miss the target? You (or your attacker) might hit a bystander. Which might be a dear family member, by the way (in the worst case scenario, death would be the result). Family member or not, the legal result would still be the same for you: Involuntary homicide.

However, let's assume you get to hit your opponent. If you didn't kill him he may still pose a threat...as long as he can still keep firing at you. So, if you decide to kill him (you might have to if he keeps pulling the trigger), you might have to legally prove that you used a "reasonable amount" of force to defend yourself or your loved ones (which may not be always easy). This might mean emotional and economic efforts on your part.

On the other side, many suicides are committed by gun owners. You know your mental status today...but you will never know about tomorrow (clinical depression is not an uncommon emotional disease). Nor will you know what the mental status of a loved one will be tomorrow.

Yet another gun's downside is your children's safety. Many people think of firearms as dangerous objects to keep in the house, specially if they have kids (some of them have broken the security created by their parents, gaining access to such lethal devices).

Given its downsides, I would never recommend a loved one of mine to get I gun. Would you?


Your self defense options are martial arts, non lethal self defense weapons, and lethal weapons. Among these, I would only recommend the first two options (martial arts and non lethal self defense weapons; firearms just have too many downsides in my opinion).

I would also recommend getting a non lethal self defense weapon as an important first step, as learning a martial art will take you some time, during which you will still be unprotected if you don't carry a reliable TASER device, stun gun or pepper spray.

No matter which self defense option (or options) you choose, don't you ever forget that self defense is your legal right. Protect yourself and your loved ones as soon as possible. If you follow this advice today, you will avoid future regrets.

Download your FREE copy of our e-book: "The Self Defense Weapons Book Of Facts & Personal Protection Tips". This illustrated, 83 pages guide will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about TASER devices, Stun Guns & Pepper Sprays. Be more powerful...the smart way! Just visit http://www.bestselfdefenseweaponsbook.com/ and get your complimentary copy now...before they're gone! Brought to you by ProtectionNation.com.

ProtectionNation.com, LLC, is currently the best source for personal and familial self defense products on the internet. What sets Protection Nation above the rest is its focus on offering only what's really effective and reliable for your self defense and home security needs, at the best prices. We carry only the best Stun Guns, TASER guns, Pepper Sprays, Personal and Home Alarms, Diversion Safes and Surveillance Equipment. Feel free to visit us anytime!

