2011年5月29日 星期日

Top 3 Reasons Why Why Self Defense For Women Is Different From Self Defense For The General Public

There is a big misconception among the public regarding self-defense - Self-defense tactics and strategy for the general public is the same as self defense for women. Let me tell you a shocking truth that some techniques and strategies taught in general self-defense classes are not practical and effective when applied by women! I am not trying to say that women are not capable. But what I am trying to say is that some of the techniques taught are more suited for guys defending themselves against guys. There are differences between general self-defense & self-defense for women and that is what I am going to cover today. So what are there any common grounds between self-defense for the general public and self -defense for women? It is when the attack involves material gains for the assailant such as robbery and extortion.

1. Nature & Objective of Attacks

Firstly, the nature and objective of attacks on women tend to be more sexual in nature as compared to attacks on men. Women rarely get involved with a one-on-one duel with a man, if ever. So should be a heavy importance on training for scenarios whereby the attacker would attack you in a street brawl manner? No! It is unlike a fight between two men. When two men fight, the objective tends to be a show of power, egos or in some cases revenge and anger. The common mentality is that "I am going to beat you to show that I'm BETTER and STRONGER than you". As such, there will usually be a challenge by one side first. So a sort of confrontation exists. However, when a woman is assaulted sexually, the assailant has an objective which ends with a penetration. Rape is about dominance not about simply beating the daylights out of another man.

2. Distance of Attack

Secondly, the distance/range of attack involved in a sexual assault is always in close range. This differs from other self-defense situations which can happen in all types of ranges. This means a rapist would rarely, if ever, come from a full view of a defender and started to "attack" you in that normal sense of the word. Sexual predators will more likely to attack a woman in close quarters and in an ambush-like manner. They will aim to take you to the ground. So that is why it is crucial that EVERY woman should know how to defend herself on the ground.

3. Type of attack

Thirdly, the type of attacks most used would be slightly different. In a fight between men, it is known that punches to the face is the most common type of attack while in a sexual assault, bear hugs and chokes are more commonly used. Besides that, the assailant will be more inclined to control the arms of the women as well as the other limbs. However, fights between men tend to be more bloodied since they are more concerned about slugging it out with punches and kicks. They are not aiming for penetration.

As you can see, there are 3 concerns which arise from understanding the nature of women self defense. A woman MUST know how to fight on the ground as well as defending herself in close quarters such countering a bear hug and a choke. If you want to learn how to defend yourself in close quarters and equip yourself with techniques on ground fighting especially for women, then go to http://www.womenself-defense.com

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ahmad Mutammim is a recognized authority in the Self-defense industry. He has a Black belt in Taekwondo and is also trained in other Martial Arts such as Judo and Silat. He has fight experiences in street encounters and is also a former police officer in the Singapore Police Force. His self-defense book, which is a must-have for all ladies looking for sufficient knowledge of defending against rape, can be found at http://www.womenself-defense.com

