2011年7月14日 星期四

Mixed Martial Arts

Mixing martial arts have been going on forever in the history of fighting arts around the world. In fact, most systems of martial arts were invented based on a combination and modification of existing arts.

Take judo for example, it was founded by Kano based on the combination and modification of many different styles of jujitsu. Modern Brazilian jujitsu, in turn, was a modification of japanese judo by Helio Gracie. Western boxing originally was based on the modification of western fencing. Kickboxing was found by combining karate kicks with boxing punches. Wing Chun was based on modification of long hand shaolin gung fu systems. JKD was found by Bruce Lee by combining and modifying Wing Chun, boxing and fencing theories.

The list goes on.....

The irony is that while the founders were men who broke traditions and combine and modify things to create things that work better for themselves, after they died, their followers insist on turning their thesis into a must-not-change system.

Because of this attitude, cross training was looked upon as a martial arts crime of disloyalty.

In the 1990s NHB events such as the UFC took the martial arts world by storm and thanks to them, cross training is no longer a martial sin. At first, grapplers were winning because no one knew how to grapple nor did they know how to stop take-downs.

As the sport evolved, people started to realize how important it is to cross train.

That's why I think it is funny when fans say things like MMA fighting method is the best. People don't realize that there's no "best" fighting method; it is always evolving. Like boxing, the champions of today fought a lot different than the champs from the 20s 30s and so on.

Methods have to change; the minute that you think your way is the best, you are done. A good example was the Gracies in UFC; as their competitors evolved, they stood still, and as a result, they got beat.

It is always a good reminder to yourself not to get too much of a ego and instead keep learning and evolving if you want to stay ahead.

One of the biggest misconceptions was the idea that MMA and NHB events are new. The fact is, throughout history, NHB contests and mixing martial arts are as old as man.

The gladiators, death matches in China until it was outlawed after the Nanking killings in 1935, challenge matches in Brazil, sword duels in ancient Japan etc. MMA is not a new concept it just seems new because it's the first time it is on cable TV globally.

When people think of mixing martial arts, they automatically think of UFC, K1, Pride and other NHB events. However, the truth is, what you mix with martial arts depends on what you are mixing for.

The success of what you mix depends on what you plan to enter. Are you planning to enter NHB, kickboxing, boxing, sport jujitsu or a stick fighting tournament?

The rules are different, there's no point mixing kicks into your training program if you are planning to enter a boxing match right? And there no point only training punches and grappling if you are planning to enter a stick fighting tournament right?

This is common sense, but the reason I am writing this is because a lot of people only think of one event when thinking about mixing martial arts.

Again, what you mix depends on what you are training for. Knowing this allows you to design a better training program for yourself. That being said, what you mix for different tournaments (NHB, wrestling, stick fighting, boxing etc.) and what you mix for street fighting and real world self protection is very very different as well.

Some things that you have to take into consideration when mixing martial arts for street encounters compared to sport-fighting are: multiple opponents, starting engagement from close quarters, the use and defenses against weapons, the use of verbal distractions and the element of surprise, fighting in difficult environments( bad lighting, stair cases etc.), escaping before more bad guys come instead of staying to win.

Some sport-fighting tactics, attributes and techniques transfers nicely for street fighting but a lot do not. Just like some things for street fighting can be transfered to sport fighting but a lot cannot. Knowing the differences between the ring vs a street encounter, instead of thinking one method will work for both, is the safest and most effective way to train.

I hope this helps the average person get a little better perspective about Mixed Martial Arts in general.

My name is Adam Chan and I started martial arts in 1986 training in classical Wing Chun under sifu Joseph Boychuck. In 1993 I learned a hybrid version of kung-fu from sifu Mike Smith which contained elements of Tai-Chi, Ba Gua, Hsing Yi, Shaolin, natural gate boxing.

In the end, names and styles do not matter but or convenience sake, my system is called Modified Wing Chun.Tracing back what I learned, I realized that it contains elements of fencing, boxing, savate and karate. Some of my own influences are Aikido and Yi-Quan.

Martial arts training can lead one to confidence, creativity, compassion and many other qualities. This led me to research Taoism, motivational psychology and Zen studies. Little by little, I realized that using martial arts as a medium is a great way to help people.

For questions, discussion and more information about this article and related topics please visit my website http://www.pragmaticmartialarts.com

