2011年7月7日 星期四

Martial Arts Supplies and Equipment

To do extremely well in any sports or discipline and especially the martial arts, the competitor needs the right training equipment and gear. There are hundreds of martial arts styles all over the world and a lot of styles use some sort of equipment, especially the competitive fighting arts.

The mixed martial arts, which are a blend of some of the combat arts from all over the world, like Judo, Karate, Thai Boxing, and kung fu make use of some traditional gear as well as boxing equipment.

Some mixed martial arts make use of a punching bag, a speed bag, and a double end bag or floor to ceiling ball. These fighting bags all help increase various skills in a combatant. The heavy punching bag helps with clout, the speed bag with hand eye coordination and the double end bag improves punching accuracy and tempo as well.

Some martial artist make use of the Thai bag, which is an extremely long bag, sometimes up to six feet, that allows martial artists to practice devastating lower leg kicks.

Another great piece of martial arts supplies is the kick shield. This is nothing more than a large leather shield that is used for blocking and absorbing blows and kicks during a workout. The shield is great as the target can be moved around the room and also used for low or high kicks to practically any part of the body, including the stomach, chest, and legs.

Mixed martial artists also use focus mitts, which are also versatile. The focus mitts are great for accuracy and endurance for long bouts; they can not only be punched, but also for skilled martial artist can kick them held in a variety of positions. The function of this particular piece of equipment is to help fighters develop fast and fluid combinations.

Another important training item is the protection gear that professional boxers and fighters wear. The mixed martial artist sport normally wear a four ounce glove or similar. The boxing gloves average around ten ounces. For both styles, hand injuries can end the fighter's career and participation in the sport, so the correct training and protective gear is vital.

No matter if you punch, grab, grapple, or box, martial art supplies can help you get the most out of your training and fighting skills.

For more Combat Arts tips and information, go to Combat Arts or Martial Arts Supplies

